depends if you want the REAL story or the MADE-UP (but cooler) Story...


My older brother, Andy; has a website on weebly, (the manaphy panda website) and I woke up one day and decided to make a site. so... I went to and got some pictures. I made the homepage, and it went on from there...

The made up story!

a lone traveler was walking when all of a sudden out of the mist came a computer on the weebly website... the traveler was wise and made an account and site. the hedgehog,littlest pet shop, and webkinz awesome blog. Alas, I Sarah (the traveler) can not change the website adress, making this the permanet name. however... as soon as it was created, a remarkable thing happend. the words apeared out of the mist and dissapeared.......